Get your workouts back on track
13 Aug 2021 15:46PM
Amy Andrews - Head of Boxing

“I hate the gym.” Ever said that to yourself before? Or, something similar.
“I hate yoga.”
Say something enough and it starts to become true. That goes for your workouts as well.
Getting active and staying fit should be fun. You know how good you feel after a workout. You should feel confident going into your workout space and even - and this could be a stretch for some to believe - look forward to your session!
There are a lot of myths that surround fitness and most of them impact your experience. If you’re looking to build up your confidence to get back into the gym – and we’ve all been there – here's how...
Change your thinking and get rewarded
To get your confidence back up, you need to change your thinking habits. For example, if you want to start going to the gym but you’re nervous about what it involves and worried about your fitness, start physically going to a gym just to add it into your routine and make it a positive experience.
All you need to do when you’re there is a stretch or take a five-minute walk on the treadmill. Once you’re done, reward yourself with a lovely, long sauna or a dip in the pool.
After a few weeks, you can start trying out new things - but the hard part is over. Exercising and going to the gym is now part of your day and it’s something to look forward to.
Start to think about your workout as a necessary time in your day that’s just for you. A time when you can learn a skill, get some fresh air, work on strength. Once you change your relationship with the idea of taking part in a workout, you will hopefully have a greater chance of sticking with it.
Take me. I love boxing. I love getting lost in learning a skill, the focus it takes and the concentration on something that isn’t part of my normal day-to-day.
I am also someone that previously ‘hated’ the gym but, funnily enough, I now spend eight hours of my day in one and absolutely love it! The community I have found, the confidence I have gained and the skills I have learnt have helped me to build a really positive relationship with working out. And the gym.
Start small
If you want to try getting into fitness, or want to try a new type of workout, take it at your own pace. This is easier said than done and it doesn’t always mean going to a class or going for a run. It means stripping it right back.
Start with what you enjoy
If it’s running you want to try, get into the habit of going for a five-minute walk. Enjoy the fresh air, the head space and the views along the way. Then add 20 second jogs here and there. Build up, add to it, but make sure you enjoy the process.
If you want to take up yoga, grab a mat, go into a yoga space (Virgin Active studios are open for you to use) and just lie there to destress for five minutes. Start adding stretches or moves. Online+ is a great way to begin your journey with short videos that help you develop technique to exercise classes you can do in club.
Don’t compare yourself
When it comes to working out, it’s fine to take advice from someone else but don’t compare your journey to theirs.
Everybody has a different threshold when it comes to fitness and as well-intentioned as most suggestions are from friends and colleagues, they’re often based on their own experiences and opinions, rather than fact.
Try to navigate your own way if it’s new to you and don’t bite off more than you can chew. Starting small is not a waste of time. Five minutes is better than no minutes!