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How to lift your mood in and out of the gym

2 Oct 2024 11:21AM by Virgin Active

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Colder weather and darker evenings can leave us feeling less motivated and naturally cause a dip in our positivity, happiness and overall mood. Our Clubs give you the tools to support your mental health and wellbeing during the tougher days.

Here are 6 ways you can lift your mood in Club:

  1. Lift weights, then catch some Zzz’s
    A recent study found that strength training can improve your sleep more than cardio. Interesting, right? Participants who lifted weights fell asleep faster, stayed asleep longer, and woke up less frequently. Plus, lifting reduces cortisol, your stress hormone, helping you relax for deeper rest. And we all know what a good night’s sleep can do for the mind. Nighty night!
  2. Get sweaty in the sauna
    Saunas aren’t just great for muscle recovery; they also give your mind some well-deserved R&R. Time in the sauna releases endorphins, our feel-good hormones, allowing you to relax and feel at ease. Add the sauna to your list of relaxation techniques.
  3. Eat the good stuff
    You are what you eat. It’s true what they say. Fueling your body with the right nutrients can have a huge impact on how you feel. Our Kauai cafés, available at 14 of our clubs and counting, offer a super nutritious menu made with the freshest ingredients to help you feel amazing. If you’re unsure where to start with your diet, reach out to one of our Nutrition Coaches (available at all Clubs). Our experts will guide you and set realistic goals that suit your lifestyle.
  4. Find your zen
    Yoga helps you regulate your breath and tune into your body. Focusing on your breathing can help you feel calmer through mindfulness, and you can use these breathing techniques outside the studio too. Not only is Yoga great for your mind, but it also builds strength and improves flexibility.
  5. Connect with other humans
    Going to the gym can sometimes feel like a solo task, and while for many it’s a place to get some ‘you time,’ it can feel lonely for others. Our classes are a great way to work out in a group setting, making exercise more enjoyable (though we can’t guarantee you won’t feel the burn!). Our cafés are also a great place to socialise, catch up with friends, or even get some co-working done.
  6. Cold water therapy
    Cold showers in October—really? Yes! Cold water therapy is a fantastic way to improve your mood and relieve stress. The cold water releases endorphins, making you feel happier and reducing feelings of anxiety. It also triggers the production of norepinephrine, which is known to elevate mood. If that’s not enough, it can reduce muscle soreness and inflammation, improve circulation, and even boost your immune system. If the idea of an ice bath is a no, no, how about next time you’re in the shower, you turn it cold for the last 30 seconds?

There you have it—6 ways that could help boost your mood this October. We hope these tips make a difference.

Mental health affects us all, whether directly or through supporting loved ones.
At Virgin Active, small actions—moving your body, relaxing, connecting with others—are all steps toward a healthier mind.

If you or someone you know needs support, reach out to CALM at 0800 58 58 58.


Ready for your next workout? Check out all the group exercise classes available at Virgin Active.

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