Complaints Policy for members


We know we are not always perfect, and we understand that how we handle a complaint can be the difference between you continuing to live happily ever active with us, or not. We aim to do the right thing and get the fairest possible outcome for you, our members, and Virgin Active. Our Complaints Policy is designed to enable you to speak with the most relevant contacts, within a reasonable time frame, to achieve the right outcome.  

How you can complain 

We are always here to listen, understand and work with you to resolve your complaint. The most efficient way to make a complaint is via the Virgin Active App. Please head to the Club Feedback section. The Club Feedback option is the quickest and most effective way, to log your concerns. 

In Club 

If you are unhappy during a visit to one of our clubs, we hope that we create an environment where you feel comfortable raising your concerns to the club team on the day. Please privately speak to a member of the team and outline your complaint. The team member will aim to resolve your complaint at the time. If they are unable to do so, they will request for the relevant manager to speak with and work with you, towards a resolution.

In App 

If you have left the club, please head to the Virgin Active App and select “Club Feedback.” Please select the club your feedback relates to, and enter your comments here. This feedback is picked up by the relevant team member.

What we’ll do and when 

Upon receiving your complaint, the member of the team you have spoken with will take ownership. They will investigate your query, speaking with all relevant contacts within Virgin Active. Once their investigation is complete, they will get back in contact with you, to discuss a proposed resolution/outcome. We will aim to resolve this for you, within 48 hours.   

Who are the relevant contacts? 

The relevant Head of Department will depend on the category of your complaint:
  • Service levels, membership changes/account queries – Experience Manager
  • Cleanliness & facilities (swimming pool, fixtures and fittings etc.) – Operations Manager
  • Group Exercise/Personal Training/Gym equipment - Product Manager
  • Club V/Creche/Swimming Lessons – Family Manager
  • Tennis – Racquets Manager

What can you do if you’re still not happy? 

If you are unhappy with the proposed resolution/outcome, you should escalate your complaint, following the escalation route as outlined below:  

Complaints journey

What contact details do you need? 

The club team contact information will depend on the club your complaint relates to and the category of your complaint. Please use the information above to identify the relevant contact. If you do not have their details, please speak to a member of the club team or call our contact our Customer Service team via webchat (

Contacting Customer Service

If you'd prefer to speak to our Customer Service team, rather than your club, we're here to help. Please contact us via webchat ( 

Escalating your complaint beyond the Club General Manager

If you have spoken with the Club General Manager and wish to escalate your complaint to the Head of Customer Relations, please contact Jonny Glass via email ( Any complaints sent to/received by our Executive Team/Directors will be handed over to our Head of Customer Relations, Jonny.

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